
Situationally Adaptive Language Tutor (SALT)

Building on the work of REVIS and the error analysis study I performed over summer 2023, I designed a logging system that utilizes VS Code's telemetry API to gather minimally invasive data on IDE interactions and compiler errors made by Rust programmers using the extension and participating in the study. My lab is currently working on discovering which programming decisions (and mistakes) correlate to learning progress in the Rust programming language!

Github Repo
VS Code Marketplace Link

Rust Compiler Error Analysis

What are the most frequent and costly errors for programmers to fix, and how can we design tools to make debugging them more efficient? I analyzed 10,957 Rust diagnostic messages recorded from students and categorized them into 1916 distinct resolution sessions to analyze error frequency and average time taken to resolve. As a result, I found that ownership errors, while less frequent, took longer on average to fix.

UCSD Summer Research Conference Slides
HATRA 2023 Paper

Privacy Perspectives in VR

To understand how VR users and gamers view personal privacy, I surveyed 40 participants to find out which circumstances meet or do not meet their privacy expectations. I discovered that greatest concern lies in how biometric data and third party data is handled, and those that use these platforms more frequently have significantly lower privacy expectations than those who do only occasionally.

JSOE Undergrad Research Symposium Poster
WIPS 2023 Paper


ACM Cyber

I've been involved with running my school's cybersecurity organizations since junior year of high school! As a board member of ACM cyber at UCSD, I've organized teams for capture-the-flag (CTF) competitions in addition to hosting talks and workshops for other undergrads interested in cybersecurity. For the last two years, I've also been writing challenges for SDCTF, UCSD's annual offensive hacking game!


Red Pitaya

In this 24 hour hackathon, I worked on the IR morse tranciever hardware powered by the Red Pitaya FPGA board. With one hour left and most of our teammates jumping ship, we were able to synthesize the work of two teams and demo a transmitter written in VHDL with a JavaScript interface, and a reciever using SCPI to translate the signal. In the end we won first place!

H.A.R.D. Hack

After a trip to Round One, we were inspired to make different types of controllers to change the way we interact with browser-based games. I attempted to build an amplifier to detect EMG signals in the hand through four pennies attached to the wrist, but eventually the team decided to focus on a rhythm game using Infineon's CAPSENSE sensors and the SerialPort API. We won second place for the Infineon challenge!